Saturday, October 13, 2012

October Observations

Here is a varied set of observations and frustrations and frustrated observations of the past few hours, days, weeks since my last post. 

First, my attempt to write on a regular basis has become not a base nor regular by any means.  I write, in my head.  Many intelligent and even non intelligent people confuse this as thinking, which everyone does all the time, and therefore is not a measurable or meaningful goal to achieve.  Sometimes I even think about writing.  But that’s not writing either. 

Second, my redundant attempts, whenever I reinitiate my blog after a long hiatus, to ironically refer to my inability to write more consistently. 

Third, my claims stating the non-science of fantasy football as pure luck, while spending at least 5.8 hours every week adjusting line-ups and formulating hypothetical trades.

Fourth, my obsession with football, both real and fantasy, is highlighted by my apathy and disinterest in playoff baseball (I have not watched a full baseball game all year).  I finally understood the controversy concerning Stephen Strasburg, and the Nationals’ decision to permanently shut him down for the whole season.  The reason why you want to protect him and keep him healthy is so that he can help you, in the long run (presumably) he will help you win a World Series.  Nationals, you’re in the playoffs now.  He can help you win now.  This makes no sense, and you just lost to the Cardinals. 

Fifth, I cannot take pictures of people because I assume that they assume that I’m being creepy and probably crazy.  This is a dumb fear because everyone likes attention even if they don’t know it or not.  I’m thus realizing that taking pictures of facades of buildings can only take you so far. 

A facade of a  building. 

Sixth, I want to watch more documentaries because I’m curious and I like to learn about new things, but then I also don’t like investing a lot of time because I don’t like it that much.  That’s why documentaries are perfect.  I can learn everything I need to about a certain topic in about 100 minutes and be done with it.  Finally, got around to watching Hoop Dreams and it was great.  But, sadly and surprisingly I did not cry. 

Seventh, I love lists because like documentaries they feed my hunger for learning while short and to the point.  I believe that the origin of this love came from VH1’s 100 Greatest Rock Artists of All-Time, which premiered while I was in high school.  I decided that opinion and democracy aside, that it’s quite clear that the Beatles and the Rolling Stones are a definitive number one and number two (order can be left to your own discretion) and anyone who would suggest otherwise would deserve to be fought.

Eighth, saw movies The Master and Looper.  I say meh to the first (which is a big deal because I absolutely love all of Paul Thomas Anderson’s previous films) and the other is quite good and I’d high recommend it.  However, there are much better films hiding in each and its unfortunate when a film refuses to live up to its promise.  I’ve come to realize though, that I find it difficult to be overly impressed with a movie after first watch.  Second dates are always necessary. 

Ninth and finally, LCD Soundsystem has recently been on rotation.  I rediscovered Sound of Silver, which I had listened to years before but never got into it.   Such a fact only reinforces my inability to delete any music from my Itunes as I believe that in some unknown deep dark recesses of my subconscious the song will reenter my life in the most opportune moment and bless me infinitely more than my initial listen.  Sort of like my rebellious, annoying expensive child who ends up being a professional athlete.  Yeah, I guess I’ll feed him tonight, jeez.  I still steal music.  A lot. 

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