Thursday, May 10, 2012

Things I Love

The Beatles are one of my favorite bands.  Their paradoxical ability to make simple yet complex* music always astounds me.  There is no greater example of this than the Medley found on side B of Abbey Road.  

(*I'm not sure if this is true since I know nothing about music.)

When asked what is my favorite Beatles' song I always cheat and choose the Medley, which is the epitome of classic Beatles' musicianship.  What makes the Beatles so brilliant is their individual efforts (mainly Paul and John in these set of songs) are quite unique and separate in and of themselves, yet collaborate themselves into the whole that also makes it uniquely a Beatles' song, as opposed to merely a John Lennon or Paul McCartney song.  

It's amazing.  The Medley showcases the skills and talents of all four Beatles.  John and Paul get the writing efforts, but George and Ringo make themselves known as well.  "The End" provides Ringo's one and only drum solo during his time with the band and George's guitar is always ever present.  (He does provide two great songs for the album, although neither are in the Medley).  A fitting swan song* for the Fab Four.  

*This was technically their last album recorded together, even though Let it Be was released a year later. 

Favorite song in the Medley: "Carry that Weight" 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Conversation around TOAG dinner last night – everyone loves the journal-as-a-blog posts- (no one really does.  It’s trying to tell an inside-joke but no one else is “inside” and it’s not funny.  It’s like depressingly not funny).  But I figured I’d try anyways since I’m a natural contrarian.  And I want to bust out my inspiration from Joyce and Ulysses.  The first twenty minutes of my morning:

Dear Journal,
I woke up at 7:30 and I thought, I need to stop drooling on my pillows.  I need to get up and remove my face from this puddle of spit.  I like sleeping.  Will I sleep in heaven?  It’s 7:45 already?!?! Shoot I need to get up.  My throat is sore.  I need to stop smoking my pipe so much.  I didn’t even smoke last night though, so it’s fine.  I probably need to smoke my pipe more so my body can acclimate itself.  I’m so smart.  Alright time to get up.  Where are my pants? If I don’t ask that question at least three times a day, I’m doing something terribly wrong.  One leg at a time.  Don’t zip up your pants yet, you still have to pee.  Be efficient.  God, thank you for toilets.  Ugh.  When’s the last time I showered?  Oh, yesterday.  Good.  Plus I already have my pants on.  And I’m going to be late.  No time.  When’s the last time I brushed my teeth?  Yesterday.  Good.  I already have pants on and there’s no time!  Brush teeth later.  I need to get new shoes.  I need to put socks on.  No time for socks!  Feet will get hot, sweaty and smelly.  Pick up your cross daily.  Amen.  What time is it?  Schedules are dumb.  Thank you God for this day.  Outside is nice.  Huh.  Rained last night.  Car window open.  Again.  Dang it.  My butt is wet.  Thank God I put pants on today.  I’m hungry.