Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I like like you.

Last Friday was a mile-marker of sorts, signaling a very happy and blessed one-month of dating the wonderful Miss Jenn Boccella.  I’ve been learning a lot, which comes as no surprise since my dating experience is pretty thin, especially during the college years.  Here are some observations and anticipations I’ve had over the past month… in no particular order:

Girls Think Differently –I think what I really mean by “Think Differently” is that girls are just more emotional… not dramatically speaking, but more so, they’re just better at caring and showing compassion, and being thoughtful.  All things that I may or may not be lacking.

Things-I’m-Anticipating  1A- I’m still waiting, apprehensively, for her to cry in front of me…  Odds are, I’m going to try to comfort her with sarcastic, dry (but very witty and very clever) humor, and it will not translate whatsoever. I’m a big jerk
Things-I’m-Anticipating 1B – That moment when I cry in front of her.  Yeah…  Hopefully this moment will never happen.

You Text A Lot. – In this day and age we must use technology to our advantage.  No longer will we linger about in awkward romantic presumptions, whispering sweet-nothings.  Instead, we’ll just text said statements so they can be saved and locked for an eternity of embarrassment.

*Sub-note – I never thought I would use emoticons (such as the colon/right parenthesis – the smile).  But trying to use sarcasm without an indicator will always be one’s inevitable demise.

Things I’m Anticipating 2 – Spending an entire afternoon/night watching movies.  It will be awesome.

To Be Romantic One Must Be Creative and That Can Be Hard – History shows that ladies can inspire a myriad of romantic thoughts, but that’s not to say we don’t have to work for it.  I would say I have a decent vocabulary but I’m no William Shakespeare - and even he was accused of plagiarism…

Things-I’m-Anticipating 3 – Breaking the Fart Barrier – It’s got to happen eventually.

The Future Will Always Find You – This has certainly become the hot-button topic, and definitely exemplifies our different mindsets.  She is very responsible and therefore thinks about things in advance, while I say today has enough worries, why worry about tomorrow – let alone something that will happen in December?  (Apparently such a quality is not appropriate when you are going to graduate in three months… err shoot, make that two)  I think I need to be more responsible.

Things-I’m-Anticipating 4 – When she actually realizes how nerdy I am.  I’m a big nerd: video games, movies, sports, books, music, etc. This fact has always been near the surface, but she’s only seen small glimpses of my nerdiness; it’s only a matter of time when she takes a step back and sees the monster in its entirety.

Yes, I Think You’re Pretty Cute – This one is so profoundly simple that I almost cannot comprehend it.  You’re telling me, all I have to do is tell her that she’s cute, that she looks good!?! Is this a trick?  That’s like saying the sun is hot, that 2 + 2 = 4, that rain falls from the sky.  If this is all I have to say to make her happy for the day, then I am set. 

Things-I’m-Anticipating 5 – When I take her on a super special date to a really fancy restaurant and I forget my wallet.  This is one of my worst fears, and odds/personality will dictate this becomes true.

The Center of Things – If I tried this dating on my own wisdom and strength, it’d be a failure.  Being in a relationship is awesome, but it can be difficult, which is why I look to Christ who is at the center of all things.  In any circumstance I can trust, hope, and have faith in Him. 

1 comment:

  1. Kyle and Jenna say: Okay Jacob!!!!

    Atta boy ;)
