Thursday, April 12, 2012

List Making

Inspired by a grocery list I found on the Aderton’s (just referenced in two straight blog posts) bathroom counter, I began to think about the importance of list making.  We are a culture that loves lists.  To-do-lists, countdowns, lists of favorites, etc.  We love to organize, categorize, and prioritize.  And we love to have a sense of accomplishment – for better or worse.  But it made me wonder where we get this desire for list making, and the answer is the answer to everything: God!  Duh.  (See the book of Numbers and Chronicles)

I did a little further research and found out that archaeologists actually found lists thought to be from Jesus, Peter, and Paul. 

Jesus' Wednesday To-Do List:
1. Ask Father for patience, love, new sandals, insight
2. Heal people
3. Fix basketball hoop at orphanage
4. Remind orphanage once more, that I am no longer a carpenter
5. Heal more people
6. Yell at Pharisees
7. Eat food.  Real food.
8. Have Peter proofread stand-up comedy routine
9. Rebuke Peter for correcting my stand-up comedy routine
10. Heal people
11. Tell John the Baptist not to go to Herod’s party

Things to work on – by Peter (Formerly Simon Rothschild)
1.     Get plenty of sleep!
2.     Work on apologetics
3.     Work on swordsmanship (lethal not maiming)
4.     Study up on the chemical bond structure of water
5.     Figure out how to fish better
6.     And then actually fish better
7.     400 meter sprints
8.     Spend more time with the wife and kids

What to mention to the Corinthians – by Paul
1. Need money.  Cash rules everything around me.
2. Apollos is dumb.  I’m dumb.  Peter also dumb.  Jesus good. Be unified
3. Most of the time I pray for you.
3. I pray for you all the time
4. Yes, you can eat bacon.
5. Do NOT consume all the grape juice and communion wafers (not that filling anyways)
6. Tongues are only meant for eating.  (Maybe kissing)
7. Try not to have sex with your stepmother
7. DO NOT have sex with your stepmother
8. Make sure to set up hotel reservations, I’ll be arriving soon - this time I'm serious
9. Why get married? WWJD

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