Monday, January 23, 2012

Random Thoughts of the Week

Here are some random thoughts of my week:

I read an article about an ISU professor who is receiving a grant from NASA, for his research on... (drumroll please) how to destroy an asteroid that was going to crash into the earth...  by launching a nuke at it.

Yes, I did just describe the plot of Armageddon.

The article stated, that after movies like Armageddon and Deep Impact, the government began to look into precautionary methods on how to prevent an asteroid from catastrophically devastating the world.  Uh what?  

It also said that the professor has received $690,000 in grant money.  Which means, at this point, it costs more to make a MOVIE about nuking an asteroid than it does to ACTUALLY research it... in real life.  

So this gave me an idea, which I'll send to the government, in that the best way to get funding for any idea ever, is to just have the government hire Michael Bay so he can make a movie about it, and then use the box-office returns for the research money.  Don't have to tax the people, but instead they willingly fork over their money.  And we get a Michael Bay movie.  It's a win-win.  

My roommate Henry and I are boycotting the Superbowl and have decided to bake throughout the game.  Betty Crocker don't know nothin.  (Skank)

I was able to listen to LMFAO's "Sexy and I Know It" for the first time in my life.  I died a little inside.  And I know, people are going to say, "Yeah  Jake, it's cause you're an elitist hipster, of course you're not going to like that song."  And my retort, "Yeah, well you're stupid."  

I realized that no matter how long a person has lived in Iowa, that when snow comes, there will always be an irrational fear that one will be trapped in their house, and (just based on pure and simple statistics) will be forced to eat their own family.  I took groceries out for a gentleman who told me that they had their refrigerator all filled up, but now had to come back so they could fill their deep freezer in their garage... Better safe than sorry.  

With that being said, I realized that I too have lived in Iowa my whole life, and do not own a pair of gloves or wool socks or long underwear.  At least to my knowledge. 

I started listening to Notorious B.I.G.'s debut Ready to Die and am quite surprised by how much I enjoy it.  Surprised, because I am not a "gangster" rap type of guy, but he's really good.  And I was surprised because he also says a lot of cuss words... disappointed.  

Here are some things of substance that I learned this week:

That now that I am in Christ, God the Father will always say to me, "Well done, my good and faithful servant."  via Jeff Dodge

I realized that my time is not really my time at all, and should manage it better, but also managing my energy level better as well.  (i.e. be more aware of how I use my time) 

That the only way I can effectively tell people about Jesus, is by interacting with him on an intimate, personal, daily level. Generalities, even if true, just feel a tad bit impersonal. 

And I found out that Peanut Butter* Brownie Sensation is my new favorite ice cream

I JUST realized that "peanut butter" are two separate words.  Really surprised it hasn't reached compound status yet.  Someday my friend, someday.  

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